KeyedIn VS. TILOS: A Deep Dive

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You are struggling. Need help finding the best tool to streamline your projects? Look no further as this article compares two top project management tools to ensure the successful end to your project management needs.

KeyedIn and TILOS offer distinct solutions designed to enhance project management. Let us learn more about them.     


KeyedIn is a comprehensive solution created for large-scale businesses that offer a variety of skills like professional services automation and program management.

It combines strong resource management with a user-friendly interface to address capacity management challenges successfully. Regardless of the size of your business or the volume of projects you manage, KeyedIn can increase your chances of success.

It can also help manage and monitor risks across your project portfolio and control costs. It covers the entire project lifecycle, assisting with the organization-wide selection and prioritization of projects while considering resource capabilities and financial constraints. 

What makes it stand out?

It allows enterprises to control the entire project lifecycle, from conception to delivery, while monitoring several complex projects simultaneously.

Thanks to this solution, managers can use KeyedIn to prioritize things like corporate resources and project planning.

Additionally, it encourages ease of communication between team leaders and members, enabling well-informed decisions about resource allocation and management.

Furthermore, it guarantees accurate financial projections and restrictions. Team leaders can retain various versions of budget predictions.

It allows for comparison with real-time data and obtaining an initial budget projection for use in the early stages of project planning.

Moreover, it meticulously monitors the real project profits and costs. Thanks to their top-down and bottom-up budget forecasting capabilities, managers can develop budget estimates and acquire approvals.   


Some of the essential features are:

Portfolio Selection and Prioritization, Resource Capacity Planning, Forecasting, Portfolio Reporting, Dashboard and Analytics, Mobile Apps and Project Management.   

Who is it for?

It is made exclusively to cater to large enterprises.    

Pros and Cons  


Streamlines project management: 

Streamlines project management by allowing businesses to efficiently track and manage multiple complex projects simultaneously.

Project prioritization: 

By considering factors such as the availability of company resources and project planning, managers can allocate resources to projects efficiently.

Improved communication: 

Fosters improved communication between managers and team members, allowing teams to collaborate effectively.

Top-down and bottom-up budgeting: 

It offers both forecasting tools, allowing managers to create budgets that align with their preferred approach and obtain the necessary approvals.


Limited scalability: 

KeyedIn is designed for enterprise-level projects and resource management. Smaller organizations may need help to integrate with this level of complexity. Furthermore, it may not align with the growth trajectory of some companies.


Enterprise-level tools usually come with a significant price tag as they are made for more prominent organizations that can easily afford them.

User challenges: 

Getting all team members to adapt and effectively use the software can be challenging. Comprehensive training may be required.

Customization challenges: 

Companies may need to invest in extensive customization or hire external consultants to tailor the tool to their unique needs.

Pricing Structure   

KeyedIn offers customized quotes depending on the features your business requires. 


You can schedule a free demo or book a tour to get a basic rundown of how the features work alongside the needs of your business.


TILOS is an advanced planning and scheduling tool specifically designed for construction projects. It employs a robust linear scheduling approach to offer a simplified visual representation of your project.

With TILOS, you can also track your construction project’s status in real time, ensuring timely progress updates. Thanks to its extensive capabilities, which blend project management and linear scheduling methods, you can assess how effectively your planning and scheduling activities overlap.

It helps you identify potential areas for improvement and ensure that your construction project proceeds smoothly and according to plan.

What makes it stand out?

TILOS distinguishes itself through its unique linear project visualization approach. TILOS takes a different approach, unlike traditional planning tools that typically present results using Gantt charts or bar graphs.

Conventional ways, such as Gantt charts or bar graphs, fall short when effectively conveying the intricate relationship between the work’s location along the distance axis and its timing on the time axis.

This spatial-temporal correlation ensures precise planning and scheduling for construction projects.

TILOS empowers project managers to make more informed decisions, leading to scheduling accuracy and successful project outcomes.


Some of the essential features are:

Collaboration Tools, Budget Management, Milestone Tracking, Prioritization, Resource Management, Risk Management and Task Management.   

Who is it for?

TILOS is a versatile tool that serves project planning managers, contractors, and project owners across various industries, including roads, railways, pipelines, bridges, engineering, and the energy sector.     

Pros and Cons  


Enhanced communications: 

TILOS enhances organizational communication by providing a visual representation that aids in effective information sharing.

Risk mitigation: 

The software assists in identifying potential project-related issues, such as sequencing and resource allocation problems, enabling proactive risk mitigation.

Efficiency in cost and time: 

Through its unique approach of aligning time and distance in planning, TILOS optimizes project schedules, resulting in timely project completion and improved project efficiency.

Spatial-temporal clarity 

TILOS offers a holistic perspective by presenting work activities in the context of both time and location, which enhances comprehension of project dynamics.


Challenges in handling dependencies: 

Dealing with task dependencies in linear scheduling, mainly when tasks are spread across a substantial distance, can pose logistical challenges.

Resource allocation complexity: 

Allocating resources efficiently within a linear framework presents difficulties. Coordinating the movement of equipment, materials, and personnel along the linear path requires meticulous planning.

Adapting to changes:

Modifying a linear schedule to accommodate changes or delays can be intricate and require adjustments to maintain project coherence.

Dependence on accurate data:

Achieving meaningful linear scheduling relies heavily on the reliability of accurate and precise data concerning distances, timeframes, and activities. More accurate information can be needed to improve the effectiveness of linear scheduling efforts.

Pricing Structure   

Providing a single upfront cost, TILOS is priced at $4290.

While this amount may be considered high by small businesses, it’s worth noting that it’s the sole expense required for project management, making it a financially reasonable choice in budget-conscious project management.


You can arrange a demo to illustrate how to reduce time dedicated to engineering tasks, among other benefits.    


In conclusion, the choice between KeyedIn and TILOS weighs on a project or company’s specific needs and priorities.

KeyedIn offers a comprehensive suite of features encompassing project management, resource allocation, financial control, and budgeting.

One thing to consider about KeyedIn is that it caters only to large businesses and projects, so you will not find your needs met if you are a small business owner.

TILOS, on the other hand, offers a unique linear scheduling approach, providing spatial-temporal clarity that is crucial for construction projects. Its strength lies in its ability to optimize scheduling and communication within the industry.

Ultimately, the decisions should be based on the nature of the project, the size of the organization, and desired functionalities.



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